Red Hot GATA Volleyball

2 Commentsby   |  05.05.10  |  Joy

GATA volleyball

Armed with red lipstick and a red-hot attitude, GATA girls rocked the intramural volleyball scene this year!

winEarly victories against Alpha Kai teams put GATA’s team into tournament play, where the girls in red and white confounded opponents with their excitement for the game and overwhelming encouragement for each other.

In the second round of the tournament, after three rousing victories, GATA was defeated by women of the Siggie Yellow team, who went on to win the tournament. The crowds of GATA fans weren’t disappointed,Flamin' GATAs though; GATA’s lipstick never smudged and their smiles never slipped.

After each game, the campus echoed with the sounds of the team and GATA fans gathering to sing Flamin’ GATAs to celebrate the accomplishments of the players.

Special shout-outs go to:

  • Kelsey Burgy, MVP and recipient of the coveted GATA Volleyball Trophy,
  • Morgan Myer and Bonnie Kellum, for their tireless enthusiasm and continual encouragement of teammates,
  • and Ally Craigie, who never missed a game despite her aversion for volleyballs. Way to support, missy 🙂
  • BonnieKelseyMorgan&Ally


    6:59 pm, 12.01.22

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    12:22 am, 12.02.22

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