325-674-2728 honors@acu.edu

by Jenna Rickerhauser | Summer 2023 |

My ‘Summer in Europe,’ as I would like to call it, included three separate and unique trips through three countries. I learned about cultural differences in religion and reflected on the musical history and cultural scene of Leipzig, Germany while studying abroad with the music department for the month of June. At the end of July, I spent three weeks in Acqui Terme, Italy, with ACU Opera to perform, take lessons in voice and Italian, and put on our show for the community. Between these two trips, my parents joined me, and we did a family road trip to get me from one study-abroad location to the next. As a student, tourist, and performer, I saw Germany, Austria, and Italy from multiple angles. I gained a new perspective on history, faith, and my own life.

European cities have landmarks and structures from various periods in history. In Germany, I could see medieval buildings, landmarks from the nazi era, holocaust memorials, soviet structures, and modern buildings. These were next to each other and in good enough condition for use, meaning the cities themselves could tell their history without needing a museum. The fact that history was visible made the things I have learned through my life feel much more real. Lydia, who owns the Lalylala crochet shop in Leipzig, is one of the kindest people I know. An ACU professor introduced some of us to her, and many of the students learned to crochet after buying kits from her shop. I spoke to her a little bit on another trip to her shop with my parents about her childhood in Soviet-controlled East Germany. She spoke about her first experience in a mall after the reunification of Germany when she was twelve years old. The options were overwhelming. Conversations like that reminded me of how recent and real the history of the Cold War is. Time is not as vast and incomprehensible to me now, but I am still in awe of the stretch of time.

History is everywhere in Europe, and it is especially told in the numerous grand churches. These awe-inspiring structures depict historical church events and tell a story of their time through architecture. Churches even house incredible concerts that feel like time capsules. On my first Sunday in Leipzig, I went to the Thomaskirche’s Bachfest service. The service was done as it would have been in Bach’s time. The Thomaner boys’ choir performed a full cantata, the congregation sang together, we took communion, and a sermon was given. It was a beautiful feeling to see and hear the beauty of worship in a new context. Music, art, and architecture have been used to glorify God since the beginning, and it is wonderful to see the story of time through that lens.

The little and sometimes inconvenient moments often lead to the best memories. The soap shop in Colle di Val d’Elsa, Italy; the waterfall hike in Koppl, Austria; and the crochet shop in Leipzig, Germany, represent some of my favorite memories and moments from my two months abroad. Due to these experiences, I have a new goal in life: to pay attention to the little moments and the accidents. Great experiences and memories can come from anywhere. Even getting lost in Nuremberg with my friends while searching for a place to buy tickets for the medieval dungeons tour on free travel turned into a great memory.

Through travels in three countries, I learned to appreciate time and change. I saw a large amount of the span of history represented in art, music, and architecture. My friends and I grew closer to each other through the shared experience of navigating new countries, and I learned to enjoy the little moments and the changes in plans. The experience I had during my ACU study abroad in Leipzig cannot be matched. My cup overflows with blessings, and I am thankful to everyone who helped me and supported me in my study abroad adventures.