325-674-2728 honors@acu.edu

by Katelynn Oksanen | Summer 2023 |

The time I spent studying abroad in Oxford this summer created new memories and friendships I will never forget, for which I will forever be grateful. I traveled with the College of Business, and we took two courses– International Business and Principles of Cognitive Science. The international business course was my favorite– as part of the course, we got to tour and interact with companies located around Oxford, such as Morgan Motors, Sandy Lane Farm, and BMW Mini Cooper. I found it fascinating to get to see the inside of these businesses and to learn more about what makes each of these companies unique. Listening to employees from each business helped me gain a better understanding of what it means to have a worldwide view and how to consider the impact of your decisions on a broad scale. It was really fascinating to compare and contrast the similarities and differences between companies abroad and local companies in the United States.

While abroad, we also had the opportunity to break off and travel on our own for a few nights. One of my favorite places that I got to travel to during our time off, was Brighton, England. It was about two hours by train from Oxford and is located on the coast, so we got to experience a very different atmosphere. I went with a few of my friends, and we found that the city was very vibrant and full of life. While there, we walked the pier, ate at fun restaurants, and spent the afternoon on the beach. The beach had tiny pebbles instead of sand, which was something I had never seen before. My favorite part of this trip, however, was getting to explore a new and funky city with my friends and making fun memories with them.

One of my favorite parts about being in Oxford was the freedom we had to explore the city. Oxford is filled with so many coffee shops, bookstores, parks, and unique spots, so there is always something to see or do. My favorite activity was going on walks through University Park and Port Meadow. Port Meadow is a large open meadow where you can often find horses and cows roaming. One thing I noticed on my many walks between the two places was how disconnected everyone was from technology and how connected they were to the people and world around them. People were having picnics, going on long walks, playing sports with each other, or even just sitting next to trees reading. I also noticed that people going on walks or jogs did not often have headphones in– it was simply them and the world around them. This really stood out to me because I feel like so often we can get tangled up in a digital world. It was refreshing to experience an atmosphere of disconnection from digital life and reconnection with simple joys. This served as a strong reminder to me of the importance of making the most of every moment.

Lastly, the most important thing I took away from my study abroad experience is the relationships I made with the other people on my trip. I truly believe that God places people in your life for a reason and I think that was very evident in my time abroad. I became a lot closer with girls who are encouraging, kind, fun, and loving. The friendships and memories I made while on the trip are ones that I will forever be grateful for.

Studying abroad provided me an opportunity to experience the world in ways that I never would have otherwise. I learned so much about myself and the world around me. The lessons I learned while abroad, the memories I made, and the relationships I developed while on the trip are things that I am extremely grateful for and will forever hold in my heart.