325-674-2728 honors@acu.edu

by Georgia Siegel  | Fall 2023  |

Growing up, I heard about my mom’s many study-abroad adventures. Back in 1989, she studied in Aix, France, at Vanderbilt University. From there, she set off on her many adventures. I caught the travel bug from my mom – Laura. I always wanted to be like her, traveling, exploring, and experiencing the world. 

Why Germany? Out of ACU’s programs, I always knew I wanted to live in Germany. I had always heard my mom’s stories from visiting Eastern Europe. She studied the year the “iron curtain” fell; she was even in Berlin right after the wall fell. It felt surreal when I went to Berlin for myself and saw the tiny remaining sections of the Berlin Wall, knowing that when it came down, my mom had been there and even had a piece of it back at home. 

During my time in Germany, I have used every opportunity to travel and explore another corner of Europe. I spent several weekends exploring destinations in Germany: Berlin, Freiburg, Botzingen, Alsace-Lorraine (this is in France, but it’s right next to Germany), Dresden, Torgau, Weimar, Wittenberg, and Colditz. Outside Germany, I have visited Copenhagen, France, Portugal, Greece, Norway, and Prague. In each place, I learned and grew from the material I saw and the experiences and challenges I faced. 

For example, I chose to do a weeklong adventure in Norway. My best friend and I rented a camper van and explored southern Norway for ten days. We drove through majestic fjords and camped each night in a new location. We had many struggles with logistics on the trip, but all the planning worked out, and in the end, I now have countless stories to tell from my adventure in Norway, too – just like my mom did during her study abroad!

I learned countless lessons from my travels. I learned how to be an active learner this semester. Simply seeing the Berlin Wall is one thing, but connecting it to history is the best way to engage with your study abroad experience. In Germany, especially, there is much to learn from its past. My mom was a history nerd, and I guess she rubbed off on me! I made sure to visit countless museums this semester, ranging from GDR, Stassi, and WWII museums to ones from ancient Rome and Greece, Byzantine period, and Middle Ages artifacts. I found that in all the countries I visited, there was a language barrier. It was humbling, sounding like a toddler trying to communicate or ask for help. I practiced humility, learning to ask those around me for help and help those around me whenever I could. A theme I noticed in every place I visited is that we are so small compared to the world. Countries like Norway, majestic cities like Prague, and gorgeous scenery throughout Germany all leave you in awe of the world. The small moments are the best. All the time in Leipzig or a new city – playing cards, baking, cooking together, trying new coffee shops,  going to museums, finding a new thrift shop – are what I will miss the most back at ACU. 

Growing up, I heard my mom’s stories about studying abroad and could not wait to make my own memories to last a lifetime. I am so grateful to ACU Study Abroad for the opportunity to participate in this Leipzig Fall semester, following in my mom’s footsteps, growing and learning from the time abroad!