325-674-2728 honors@acu.edu

by Keaton Weary| Summer 2024 |

In the mosaic of life, it’s the unexpected brushstrokes that reveal the most vivid and transformative hues. Looking back on my time abroad, I find myself speechless. This incredible opportunity was not simply a collection of experiences that I will treasure forever but was an unveiling of the beauty of life. Maya Angelou puts it this way, “Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.” Immersing myself completely in an unfamiliar culture, surrounded by language unknown to my ears, encircled with sights found on the covers of magazines, is one of the greatest avenues of self-transformation that I have experienced.

Studying abroad was truly a gift. Each step taken on this journey created a memory that will last a lifetime. Moments like learning about the history of medicine in a museum in Berlin, listening to the St. Thomas Boys Choir in the church once ringing with the notes of Bach, and gazing upon the intricate architecture of the buildings of Prague. These are just a few of the “planned” moments one could expect when studying abroad in Leipzig, Germany. While these experiences frequently flow through my memory, I can’t help but reflect on the “unplanned.”

Each surprising encounter creates a splash of color in my own personal mosaic, adding depth and richness. It is the unpredictable decisions to explore the luscious and vibrant forests of Sächsische National Park, the wandering among the ruins of the once great city of Pompeii, and the connection between my fellow soccer fans at the Euro Cup that creates a narrative uniquely my own. To Go with no intent on “arriving” is the mindset that I have found through studying abroad. The importance of WONDER as not just a lens through which life can be seen but also a way to live is the greatest lesson I have learned from this experience. To live Life with a capital L, seeking myself through my encounters with the unknown, is how I want to live.

Studying abroad caused me to look deep within myself and find who I am. With my faith as my anchor, I was able to search for who I wanted to be. “A ship in a harbor is safe, but it is not what ships are built for” (John Shedd). Studying abroad created a conversation within myself about who and why. What will be my legacy, and how will I take the reigns of life and ride it?

The stories I have collected and the memories I have made will always hold a special place in my heart. These moments, intentional and unexpected, collide to form the tapestry that I simply call me. Go and see, not to escape life but for life to not escape you!