325-674-2728 honors@acu.edu

Education Knows

No Borders


Immerse yourself in the knowledge of the world through rich and unique cultural experiences. Our college offers exclusive opportunities—study abroad, global internships, generous travel grants, and engaging colloquia sessions—all designed to broaden your horizons and prepare you for a globally connected future.

Reach Beyond the Classroom

Expand your horizons with our unique learning opportunities. Whether you want to gain new understanding through location-based learning opportunities, get practical experience while in college at world-renowned companies, pave your own way with access to funds only available to Honors students, take exclusive classes on a topic of your choosing, or get support to apply for major scholarships, the ACU Honors College is hear to help you make your dreams a reality!

    Great Texts in Oxford:


    Embark on a journey that transcends the boundaries of time and culture in Oxford England. Through the exploration of Great Texts, our Honors students become architects of creativity, champions of servant leadership, seekers of scholarly investigation, and guardians of justice. These values, deeply rooted in the wisdom contained within Great Texts, guide our students as they navigate a complex world, striving for positive change and a brighter future.

    Exclusive Honors Opportunities

    Abilen Christian University Honors students are privileged to participate in a wide array of exclusive opportunities only available to members of the Honors College, including specialized colloquia and restricted grants. 

    Travel Grants

    As you prepare to travel across the world to intern, study abroad or engage in mission or service work, the Honors College provides exclusive grants to help with travel costs.

    Honors Colloquia

    Learn how Mayans understood astronomy aboard a cruise ship, or how modern Amish communities live in one of our exclusive travel-based Honors Colloquia.

    Conference Grants

    Wanting to attend or present at a conference? ACU Honors is here to help. Each year we help dozens of students with research and presentation-based travel expenses. 

    Global Internships

    In Leipzig, Germany

    The Honors College currently offers an international summer internship program to help students make connections between their academic and professional preparation. Each summer, the Honors College helps place students in service-based organizations at ACU’s hub Study Abroad site in Leipzig, Germany.

    Achieve the Unimaginable through
    Major Scholarships

    The Honors College houses the Office of Major Scholarships which provides information, counsel and support for students who wish to apply for nationally competitive major scholarships and fellowships.

    Fulbright SCHOLArSHIP

    Unlock global opportunities with the prestigious Fulbright Scholarship, by traveling to one of over 140 countries to serve as a cultural ambassador building relationships and fostering cross-cultural dialogue.


    Elevate your potential by applying for the distinguished Rhodes Scholarship, embarking on an academic journey at the world-renowned campus of Oxford University to make a positive impact and drive global change.


    Explore other opportunities through renowned awards such as theTruman, Goldwater, or Marshall Scholarships. Your path to excellence, innovation, cross-cultural exchange, and global leadership begins here.

    Recent Honors College Activities

    Markers of the Past; Signposts of the Present

    Markers of the Past; Signposts of the Present

    by Anna Chen  | Summer 2023  | When I first saw the brochure for the Psychology Department study abroad trip to Leipzig, Germany, I was pulled in by the unique opportunity to study the effects of the Holocaust in the place it happened. I have been a visitor to many...

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    A Whole New World

    A Whole New World

    by Ella Roberts  | Summer 2023  | The idea of traveling the world and exploring places and cultures different from the one I have grown up in has always fascinated me. From listening to the stories of my loved ones’ time abroad and creating niche Pinterest boards...

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    Growing in the Discomfort

    Growing in the Discomfort

    by Ella Majors  | Summer 2023  | If you had told me a year ago that I would be spending a month on the other side of the world with a group of people I didn't know, I would have said you were crazy. But that's truly what this experience was- crazy. Just a few days...

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    Expand Your Horizons with ACU HONORS

    Honors College

    Historic Zellner Hall
    790 Campus Ct.
    ACU Box 29142
    Abilene, Texas 79699

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