connecting generations in a Christ centered community
Dr. Pruett’s students in GERO 352/552 course called “Adult Development and Aging” will submit photos for the 2016-2017 Images of Aging Photo contest as part of their coursework. The purpose of the Images of Aging photo contest is to encourage interaction between students and older adults. Students may photograph a family member who is close to them, but some photos may also reflect mentors, acquaintances, professors, or an interaction viewed by the student. All photos will be accompanied by a Photo Release.
This assignment has the following completion steps:
1) Identify a person(s) over the age of 60 years who will be the subject of your photo. It is permissible that an older family member be selected.
2.) Go to this blog: blogs.acu.edu/imagesofaging. At the blog, read the contest rules, download the release forms, and view previous contest photos.
3.) Take your pictures and choose the best one to submit in either the Traditional Camera or Mobile category.
4.) Email the jpeg file of your picture (or a scanned file) to imagesofaging@acu.edu. Place your name and the title of your photo in the Subject Line of the email.
5.) Be sure to email the signed release form with your photo submission. Assignments will not receive credit if the release form does not accompany the photo submission
6.) In your email listing participant(s) full names, location of the photo, date of the photo, your complete contact information, including your Banner number.
7.) Include the story of your photo as an comprehensive caption (i.e. Why does your photo represent an inter-generational interaction, inter-generational relationships, including personal relationships, hobbies and travels, holidays, work/retirement, and/or bereavement.)
This is a productive opportunity to join six years of student photographers from across the country. Looking forward to seeing your photos!
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