If you’re an ACU Student
Internships at ACU are decentralized, meaning any requirements or recommendations for specific majors are housed within that department, not by a central office on campus. Therefore, as an ACU student, your first stop when learning about internships for your degree should be your department and your academic advisor.
I’ll list department contacts below and academic advisor information can be found here.
CAHSS - College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Art & Design – Uncertain (I suggest you start with your department chair)
Communication & Sociology – Reach out to Dr. Dorothy Andreas, dca20a@acu.edu.
History and Global Studies – Reach out to Dr. Amanda Biles, abt19a@acu.edu (HIST) or Dr. Ron Morgan, rxm03c@acu.edu (GLST)
Journalism and Mass Communication – Reach out to Dr. Doug Mendenhall, dlm08a@acu.edu, or Lisa Wiggins, lisa.wiggins@acu.edu
Language and Literature – Reach out to Dr. Cole Bennett, cole.bennett@acu.edu
Music – Uncertain (I suggest you start with your department chair)
Political Science & Pre-law – Reach out to Dr. Chris Riley, chris.riley@acu.edu
Criminal Justice – Reach out to Prof. Bob Delony, rld07a@acu.edu
Education – Reach out to Dr. Stephanie Talley, srt03c@acu.edu
Theatre – Uncertain (I suggest you start with your department chair)
Onstead College of Science
Agriculture and Environmental Sciences – Reach out to Dr. Jim Carpenter, jac16d@acu.edu
Biology – Reach out to Dr. Jennifer Huddleston, jrh11a@acu.edu
Chemistry & Biochemistry – Reach out to Dr. Autumn Sutherlin, als03c@acu.edu
Engineering – Reach out to Dr. Monique Marquardt, mxm19c@acu.edu
Physics – Reach out to Dr. Larry Isenhower, ldi00a@acu.edu
Mathematics – Reach out to Dr. John Ehrke, jee99a@acu.edu
CBS - College of Biblical Studies/Child and Family Studies
Bible, Missions & Ministry – Reach out to Dr. Robert Oglesby, oglesbyr@acu.edu, and Dr. Houston Heflin, Houston.Heflin@acu.edu
Child and Family Studies – Reach out to Dr. Greg Brooks, dgb14a@acu.edu
COBA - College of Business Administration
All Majors – Reach out to Jasmine McGabe-Gossett, jcj05c@acu.edu.
CHBS - College of Health & Behavioral Sciences
Communication Sciences & Disorders – Reach out to Lory Chrane, lac16a@acu.edu
Kinesiology – Reach out to Melissa Long, mdl16a@acu.edu
Nutrition – Reach out to Shelia Jones, joness@acu.edu
Nursing – Reach out to Dr. Theresa Naldoza, tmn05a@acu.edu, and Amber Webb, adw21b@acu.edu
Psychology – Uncertain (I suggest you start with your department chair)
Social Work – Reach out to Dr. Katelin East, kpc05a@acu.edu and Kelly Barneche, krb24c@acu.edu
Liberal Studies
For all Liberal Studies majors, chat with your advisor Stephan Pagan, slp23b@acu.edu, or I’m here to help also, anne.hocking@acu.edu
Another ACU Resource to Note
Work with ACU’s Career Development office to get help with your resume, cover letters, and help you practice through a mock interview. Ask about PathwayU, which has its own search platform for positions. Be sure to check out their Wildcat Working Wednesdays emails that go out weekly. You can also email them at careers@acu.edu.
Faculty & Staff
Talk to the faculty and staff in your department. They are going to have the best advice on campus about finding an internship or job related to your specific field of interest. Be sure to listen well and follow up on the advice they give you.
All ACU students have access to Handshake (acu.joinhandshake.com) through your ACU single sign-on, which provides you an additional platform to look for opportunities besides your typical LinkedIn, Indeed, etc.
When using Handshake: Be sure to edit your profile with the types of positions you are interested or turn off your notificaiton emails or you’ll get more information than you want. Also, be sure to use their filtering capabilities to narrow your search by type (internship, part-time, full-time), location (remote, Abilene, etc.), type of role, paid or unpaid, etc.
Timing Your Search
Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. If you’re wanting an internship position that is in high demand and for a large company that gets lots of applicants, I’d recommend looking and applying 7-8 months out (so November if you’re looking for a summer opportunity) because that’s when many of the large companies start posting and accepting applications. If the positions you’re going for aren’t in as high of demand, I’d recommend beginning your search 4-6 months out. If you’re looking for a position with a mom and pop location in your local town, 2-3 months out is probably okay, but remember, the longer you wait to approach something, the less prepared and professional you’ll appear – so don’t wait!
Check out My Open Internships Page
Utilize my Internship Openings page for internship postings and other networks to consider to see if anything matches your interest. And last, but not least, feel free to reach out to me if you still have questions anne.hocking@acu.edu.