Letter to the Committee

Please accept my application for tenure and promotion to the rank of Associate Professor of Mathematics.  Enclosed in this portfolio, you will find my current curriculum vitae, reflective narratives and assessments of my accomplishments in the areas of teaching effectiveness and scholarship, and evidence of service and collegiality.  Letters of support from faculty, staff, professional colleagues, and students are provided for your reference in the appropriate sections.  Each of the main categories, teaching, scholarship, service, and collegiality have been organized into submenus and placed into the sidebar to the right for your convenience.  Rather than an exhaustive list of works presented in each of these areas, I have included an appendix for each section with links to representative samples. As you read through the portfolio, most images are actually links to the full documents represented and are provided for your convenience.

Although this portfolio provides a great number of materials in the form of course syllabi, class projects, examples of student work, etc… it is in no way exhaustive.  In light of this, I submit to the reader this portfolio as evidence of my continued commitment to the mission of Abilene Christian University to educate students for Christian service and leadership throughout the world as achieved through

  • exemplary teaching, offered by a faculty of Christian scholars, that inspires a commitment to learning;
  • significant research, grounded in the university’s disciplines of study, that informs issues of importance to the academy, church, and society;
  • meaningful service to society, the academic disciplines, the university, and the church, expressed in various ways, by all segments of the Abilene Christian university community.
Included in the post below is the departmental pre-tenure letter and my response. Should you require any additional materials, details, or clarifications, feel free to contact me at any time.

Grace and peace,



Dr. John Ehrke

Department of Mathematics

Abilene Christian University



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