Though they’re accessible on the sidebar to the right, I wanted to particularly point out my reflections on formational goals and Profiles of Ministry feedback as indicators of outcome 9ab, which read as follows:
a) demonstrates healthy awareness of one’s personality, behavior patterns, level of interpersonal effectiveness, and patterns of response to anxiety and conflict
b) takes honest responsibility for one’s actions, habits, and growth, applying effective strategies for achieving ongoing ministerial growth
That is exactly what I believe these reflections (and my further action because of them) do.
Though the process of writing out the reflections (for the formational goals especially) seemed somewhat imposed and tedious before I began, once I got into the process, I was able to see how truly helpful it was for me as I reassessed my progress in my academic program and my ministry. Where my thoughts were previously somewhat nebulous, this has given me a bit more concrete to base my future thoughts and actions on. I plan to return to these goals periodically to revise them or examine my progress toward them.
Jack Reese
9:21 pm, 04.10.12
I think you are particularly good at self-reflection. That’s a rarer quality than you might imagine in ministers!