Do Christian Colleges Have Less Drug Use?

As a student in recovery who transferred to Abilene Christian, I have often found myself wondering if I would have struggled with addiction if I had attended a Christian college in the first place.

I know that I am not alone in this curiosity, and many students and parents are asking the same question: do Christian colleges have less drug use?

For a resource (and for credit in a class as well : ) I have written up the answers I found, and I hope you find it helpful for your own consideration of whether Christian schools have less substance abuse.

My Story of Recovery as a Christian Student

A Christian college student in the library stacks

I started struggling with drug use (molly specifically) during my freshman year of college at a public school. At first, it was just a way to cope with the stress of classes and the pressure to fit in, and was only once a month maybe.

But before I knew it, I was using regularly, on weekends and even week nights. Quickly it was taking a toll on my relationships, my grades, and my mental health. I knew I needed help, and I was lucky to find a supportive Christian community and a treatment program in my home state of Arizona that helped me get sober.

The Reality of Drug Use on College Campuses

Drug use is a reality on college campuses across the country. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, in 2019, 38.6% of full-time college students reported using illicit drugs in the past year.

This is a concerning statistic, and it’s one that Christian colleges are not immune to. But is the popular belief that Christian college kids use less drugs a verifiable true one? Let’s dig a little deeper!

Do Christian Colleges Have Less Drug Use?

So, do Christian colleges have less drug use? The answer is complicated. While Christian colleges may have a reputation for being more conservative and having stricter rules, the reality is that drug use can be a problem on any college campus.

That being said, there are some factors that may contribute to lower rates of drug use at Christian colleges. For example:

  • Community and Support: Christian colleges often have a strong sense of community and support among students, faculty, and staff. This can make it easier for students to feel comfortable seeking help and support if they are struggling with drug use.

  • Values and Beliefs: Christian colleges often have a clear set of values and beliefs that emphasize the importance of living a healthy and fulfilling life. This can help students develop a strong sense of purpose and direction, which can make them less likely to turn to drugs. Gospel and Bible studies often have direct correlations to recovery lessons and seeking to be clean and sober.

  • Counseling and Resources: Many Christian colleges have counseling services and resources available to help students struggling with drug use. This can include support groups, therapy, and referrals to treatment programs.

My Experience as a Sober Student at ACU

texas flag, american flag, to show concept of ACU students in recovery

I did not attend a Christian college at first, but now at Abilene Christian as an alumnus of addiction treatment as well, I have had the opportunity to speak with many of my fellow students.

While every experience is different, I have heard many students say that the sense of community and support at our Christian college helped them feel more comfortable seeking help and support when they needed it.

What Can Christian Colleges Do to Support Students in Recovery?

While Christian colleges may have some advantages when it comes to supporting students in recovery, there is still more that can be done. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Provide Resources and Support: Christian colleges can provide resources and support specifically for students in recovery, such as support groups, counseling, and referrals to treatment programs.

  • Create a Safe and Supportive Environment: Christian colleges can create a safe and supportive environment by promoting a culture of openness and honesty, and by providing a safe space for students to share their struggles and seek help.

  • Offer Alternative Activities: Christian colleges can offer alternative activities and events that do not involve drugs or alcohol, such as service projects, outdoor activities, and cultural events.

Getting and Staying Sober as a Christian is Possible

As we have become all too familiar with, drug use is a reality on college campuses across the country, and Christian colleges are not immune to this problem.

However, there are some factors that may contribute to lower rates of drug use at Christian colleges, such as community and support, values and beliefs, and counseling and resources.

As a student in recovery at ACU, I know how important it is to have a supportive community and access to resources and support. I hope that Christian colleges will continue to prioritize supporting students in recovery and creating a safe and supportive environment for all students.

I hope that you have found my resource project insightful and that your questions have been answered as best I can. Keep an eye out and I may publish more similar projects coming up soon!