Find the Sum of the Digits

This problem is from Hai He, Hunter College of CUNY.

Let A be the sum of the digits of 1999! (that is 1999*1998*1997*..*2*1). Let B be the sum of the digits of A. Let C be the sum of the digits of B. What is the value of C?

Submit your answers to  Details for submissions can be found here.

Solution to Find the Sum of the Digits

Correct solutions were submitted by Wyatt Witemeyer. 

1999! = 1.2999.1000.10011998.1999
= (1.1999)(2.1998)(999.1001).1000
< (1000.1000)(1000.1000)(1000.1000).1000
= 10001999
= 105997

Therefore 1999! has at most 5997 digits. This implies that A (the sum of the digits of 1999!) is at most 5997.9 = 53, 973.

So B (the sum of the digits of A) is at most 5 + 4.9 = 41.

Hence C (the sum of the digits of B) is at most 4 + 9 = 13.

But the sum of the digits of a positive integer N has the same remainder upon division by 9 as does N itself. So 1999! and A and B and C all have the same remainder upon division by 9. But 9 divides 1999!, so 9 must divide C. Since C is at most 13 and C is not 0, then

C = 9.