Mu Sigma Math Talk!

  • Time: Thursday 11/21/19, after chapel (starting around 11:45am)
  • Place: OSC 235
  • Speaker: Wyatt Witemeyer
  • Title: BASEically the best talk on BASES outside your BASIC curriculum
  • Topic: Bases!
    • Base Conversion Methods
    • Base Arithmetic
    • Base Fractions
    • Other Fun Base Related Stuff

This Thursday I will be presenting a fun math talk on bases after chapel. Feel free to attend and bring several friends along with you! This talk is aimed to be a fun look at bases and how they work. So, baseically, the base concept of this talk is based on bases and their basic functionality (and fun stuff which is not usually covered in your base curriculum). If that sounds any slightest bit interesting whatsoever please come and invite your friends to come along! All are welcome to be enlightened and filled with joy by the superior knowledge provided through learning about bases and the fun ways it allows us to think about math and how it works! This talk should not be too long, but if you need to leave early for class or something you of course are welcome to leave early, and though no lunch is provided you are welcome to bring food and eat during the talk. We’ll aim for starting at 11:45 to make sure people have time to get to OSC 235 after chapel on Thursday.