Symmetric Functions I

This problem is from Alexander Karabegov.

Given a quadratic polynomial x2 + p x + q with two real roots s and t, express the following functions of s and t as polynomials in p and q.

  1. s + t
  2. st
  3. s2 + t2
  4. s3 + t3

Please submit all problem solutions to before 5:00 PM on the next Thursday. 

Solution to Symmetric Functions I

Correct solutions were submitted by:  Ricky Kagoro Lumala, Wyatt Witemeyer

Since s and t are roots of the polynomial x2 + p x + q, then

x2 + p x + q = (xs)(xt).Multiplication of the right side yields

x2 + p x + q = x2 – (s+t)x + s t.Thus the coefficients of the x term give the first result: s + t = –p.

The constant terms produce the second: st = q.

The third part can be obtained by observing that s2 + t2 = (s+t)2 – 2st, and using the two previous results.
Therefore, s2 + t2 = (-p)2 – 2q = p2 – 2q.

Similarly, s3 + t3
= (s+t)3 – 3s2t – 3st2
= (s+t)3 – 3st(s+t)
= (-p)3 – 3q(-p)
= –p3 + 3p q.