The time for electing Mu Sigma officers for the 2017-2018 school year is upon us.  In addition, to the duties listed below Mu Sigma officers take on the responsibilities of

  • Recruiting and encouraging new members to Mu Sigma.
  • Setting a Christian example for members of Mu Sigma.
  • Planning activities and meetings for Mu Sigma.

The voting procedures are detailed in the Mu Sigma constitution.  Each office position is described below per the Mu Sigma constitution which can be found in the sidebar.


The president shall be a current member of Mu Sigma and a full time Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, or Mathematics Education major with no fewer than 30 semester hours.  The president shall oversee the operation of the organization, preside at all meetings, originate and accept ideas for activities, and initiate carrying out those activities which the executive committee deems beneficial and proper.

Vice – President

The Vice-president shall be a current member of Mu Sigma and a full time student of Abilene Christian University.  The Vice-president shall preside at meetings which the president is not able to attend, assist the president, be responsible for recruiting and accepting new members, and keep and maintain a roster of current members.  The roster shall contain names, addresses, telephone numbers, and a list of mathematics and science courses taken.


The secretary/treasurer shall be a current member of Mu Sigma and a full time student of Abilene Christian University.  The secretary/treasurer shall take the minutes of each meeting.  The minutes contain the date, time, members present, and business discussed.  The secretary/treasurer shall collect dues, keep all funds in the organization’s account and oversee all expenditures.


The Chaplain shall be a current member of Mu Sigma,  have no fewer than 30 semester hours, and be a person of good moral character, highly esteemed by his/her peers.  The Chaplain shall organize devotionals which shall be scheduled periodically throughout the semesters and oversee any religious activity (including chapel meetings) in which the organization shall participate.  The Chaplain is appointed by the president-elect and is not an elected position.