Hi! My name is Jared Barker and I am your Mu Sigma President. Let me tell you a little about myself.

I am a double major with Math and Engineering, and I plan on working in the Electrical Engineering field (partly because it involves the most math). I keep myself pretty involved in both the Mathematics Department and the Engineering and Physics Department. For example, I am also the Vice President of the Engineering Student’s Association. If any of y’all need to ask a quick question about your math, engineering, or physics homework, don’t be afraid to ask!

I came to ACU because I wanted a good education at a small school. ACU is the perfect example of that. It is truly amazing how many opportunities we have to develop close relationships with our professors. Many of my friends who attend large universities have told me time and time again how their professors have no idea what their names are, and it really goes to show how different ACU can be. When I told my friends how our Math Department faculty makes us baked treats every Monday, or how there are always snacks in the study room, they were floored. I am really thankful to be a part of a community like that.

I am also a member of Pi Kappa Men’s Social Club, where I am the Social Director. I like playing video games (Super Smash Bros is my jam) and hanging out with my friends. If you ever want someone to talk to about nerd stuff, I’m your man!

If there’s anything I can do as your President to help you out, or if you have any ideas about the future of Mu Sigma, just let me know!