Mu Sigma Member Spotlight

Another pillar of the Mu Sigma experience is community.  We want our members to get to know each other in a deeper, more meaningful way than simply being math majors or in the same math classes.  To this end, we would like to highlight our members by providing them...

Problem of the Week

A pillar of Mu Sigma is fostering a sense of scholarship among members.  To that end you should expect weekly (or bi-weekly depending on difficulty) problems of the week.  Each new problem of the week will be available on a bulletin board outside the math office....

Officer Elections for 2017-2018

The time for electing Mu Sigma officers for the 2017-2018 school year is upon us.  In addition, to the duties listed below Mu Sigma officers take on the responsibilities of Recruiting and encouraging new members to Mu Sigma. Setting a Christian example for members of...

Welcome to the Mu Sigma Blog!

Mu Sigma is a student organization for those who love all things math.  We are open to all students regardless of major.   This organization seeks to raise the level of mathematical awareness on campus, provide students an outlet for engaging in mathematics, and...