Mu Sigma Movie Night

Dr. Ehrke is hosting us at his house on Wednesday, October 10th for a movie night. His address is 1733 Lakeway Dr, Abilene, TX 79602, and we will be starting at 8:00. He will be providing drinks and deserts for us. Please RSVP to come, so that he can figure out how...

Mu Sigma Officer Nominations

Use this form to nominate your Mu Sigma officers for this year! You can nominate yourself, or anyone who you think would do a great job. Nominations for President are restricted to Math majors only, but the other officers are open to all. Nominations will close on...

Mu Sigma Sign Up Form

If you want to be an official member of Mu Sigma, please sign up using this form. It’s open to all majors, so if you know anyone who would be interested, please spread the word!

Mu Sigma Member Spotlight – Jared Barker

Hi! My name is Jared Barker and I am your Mu Sigma President. Let me tell you a little about myself. I am a double major with Math and Engineering, and I plan on working in the Electrical Engineering field (partly because it involves the most math). I keep myself...

Welcome to the Mu Sigma Blog!

Mu Sigma is a student organization for those who love all things math.  We are open to all students regardless of major.   This organization seeks to raise the level of mathematical awareness on campus, provide students an outlet for engaging in mathematics, and...