Problem 5 – Fall 2019 – Will You Win?

Will You Win? This problem was suggested by Brian Jacobs. Your friend has a game for you to try. He rolls two n-sided fair dice and you roll one n-sided fair die. You win if the number on your die is between the numbers on his dice, inclusively. For example, if he...

Mu Sigma Officers 2019-2020

Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote in the Mu Sigma nominations and elections this last week.  The voting is now closed and we have new officers for the 2019-2020 school year.  The list of officers is below.  Congratulate them if you get a chance (or send...

Problem 1 – Fall 2019 – Find the Speed

Find the Speed This problem is from Robert Stanfill by way of Tim Coburn. Outdoorsman Russ Rustic was rowing upstream on a river at a constant rate, thoroughly enjoying the scenic wonder of the area. In fact, he was so preoccupied with the beauty that he did not...