Mu Sigma Member Spotlight – Jared Barker

Hi! My name is Jared Barker and I am your Mu Sigma President. Let me tell you a little about myself. I am a double major with Math and Engineering, and I plan on working in the Electrical Engineering field (partly because it involves the most math). I keep myself...

Minutes for Meeting, October 6th

Elections: President (Jared Barker) Vice President (Dakotah Martinez) Treasurer (Rachael Shudde) Announcements: Sign up to be a member of Mu Sigma! Rachael will put printed sign-up sheets in the math study room (first floor in McKenzie) on Monday after chapel If you...

Mu Sigma Member Spotlight

Another pillar of the Mu Sigma experience is community.  We want our members to get to know each other in a deeper, more meaningful way than simply being math majors or in the same math classes.  To this end, we would like to highlight our members by providing them...

Problem of the Week

A pillar of Mu Sigma is fostering a sense of scholarship among members.  To that end you should expect weekly (or bi-weekly depending on difficulty) problems of the week.  Each new problem of the week will be available on a bulletin board outside the math office....