In the news

0 Commentsby   |  06.16.10  |  Department, Research

As part of the backlog of posts, see this recent ACU news story about last summer’s crew in Los Alamos.  My favorite section from the story:

That may sound complicated or impossibly complex. But Sarvagya has no problems with it.

“I did the fun stuff,” he said.

The bottom of the article briefly mentions the Hawaii conference, which probably deserves more press time.  Hopefully I can get some of the students to tell you about it soon.  Come to think about it, most of the great trips in my life have been physics conferences (though that my say more about me then the trips themselves).  This year, the fall DNP conference moves from Hawaii to sunny Santa Fe, which probably has a little less marketing potential.  Last time I was in Santa Fe, my wife was hobbling around on a shattered ankle which diminished the experience somewhat.  So I’m looking forward to a less eventful visit this fall.

-Dr. D

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