3.4 Outside Funding/Reduced Teaching Load

by   |  08.09.21  |  Uncategorized

Responsible Body:  Office of the Provost

Date of Last Review:  June 25, 2021


Research grants and other forms of outside funding to support research are vital to a university, and ACU encourages each faculty member to seek such funding. The use of such funds usually is subject to the established guidelines of the granting agency. In addition to the usual expenditures for equipment, supplies, and student support, ACU expects that research grant funds be used to pay for an appropriate proportion of faculty salary in accordance with the university policies on salary, wages, and fringe as addressed in the ORSP Handbook.

All research proposals and grant applications must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate departmental/school administrators, the Office of the Provost, the university counsel, and the chief financial officer. Guidelines are available in the ORSP. Forms for receiving approval to submit applications can be found on the ORSP website.