(325) 674-2173 sitc@acu.edu


ACU SIGCHI Chapter Presents at CHI Conference 2018

CHI 2018 is a "Special Interest Group in Computer-Human Interaction" conference and the premier international conference for scholarly research and prototype demonstrations for cutting edge interactive technology. It is sponsored by the ACM (Association for Computing...

SITC Students Start SIGCHI Chapter On Campus

One of the classes offered in the School of Information Technology and Computing is called CS 330: Human-Computer Interaction, a subject that has sparked much interest because of the intriguing and applicable content. Human-Computer Interaction is a combination of...

Now presenting Dr. James Prather…

We're celebrating with Dr. James Prather the successful defense of his dissertation and earning his Ph.D. after years of hard work and dedication. Defending a dissertation is the culmination of a long and laborious doctoral program, usually taking place over the span...

Virtual Reality in the ACU Classroom

From selling goggles at big box retailers to immersive experiences in theme parks and malls to practical use in medicine, virtual reality has become a quickly expanding technological frontier. Our professors, especially those involved with the Digital Entertainment...

A New Kind of Capstone

"What is a capstone class?" you may ask. “In addition to other discipline-related course goals, the senior-year integrative capstone experience will challenge the student to critically analyze, reflect, and write about the major discipline from the perspective of...

Global Game Jam 2018

Global Game Jam is a 48 hour game development challenge that happens all around the world during the last weekend of January (January 26-28, 2018). The GGJ is a unique opportunity where students are challenged to do things they might normally not be doing in the...

SITC Students Create Solve for Minesweeper

Technology faculty continually look for ways to combine coursework with real world applications. For example, at the end of the semester of Scripting II (CS 115), students are tasked with creating a program that solves, or can be applied, to a real world problem. SITC...

Lauren Mullen and the Magic of Disney

We've all heard about Disney magic. Lauren Mullen, a sophomore Digital Entertainment Technology major, got to experience that magic first hand when she participated in the Disney college program during the 2017 spring semester. The Disney College Program gives college...

Technology December Graduates

As the semester is coming to an end, the School of Information Technology and Computing wants to highlight some of our seniors that will be graduating in December.  We asked Alicia Clark, an Information Technology major, Travis Cook, a Computer Science major, and...