Sets and Counting

Description: In this lecture we explore the relationship between set operations, notations and basic counting rules like the addition rule and multiplication rule. The lecture notes provided below contain definitions of key terms, example problems, and polling questions used during class time. Some problems are worked out with solutions provided, but others are without solutions to promote discussion in class.


Section 2.3 p.54-63

Section 13.1 p.623-630

Section 13.2 p.631-638

Section 2.3 #9-20, 27-34, 35-40, 43-50, 63-66

Section 13.1 #40, 42, 49-52, 57

Section 13.2 #27-29, 31-32, 43-44


Video Tutorials

[youtube 2XbJvgxmohc]

[youtube MwqjFEKVBUA]

[youtube q4i6Y2bTrM4]

[youtube UAd3Cum9ba4]

[youtube dxZPURaY2Rk]

[youtube hsGIIFz1-xk]


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