Throughout the semester we will be using the ResponseWare app from Turning Point Technologies to facilitate in class polling and quizzes. Each student will need to download the app, available on iTunes and set up a participant account.


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In addition to being included on specific topics pages within the course menu I maintain a list of all calculator tutorials available on this site.  The tutorials are arranged in two categories divided among the MathStudio (formerly SpaceTime) iOS app and the TI-84 handheld calculator from Texas Instruments.

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Request a Video

As the semester gets underway I hope you enjoy the opportunity to use this site to help you study more efficiently and effectively.  From time to time you may notice a topic from class that you are struggling with is not represented on the blog.  If that is the case, then I encourage you to respond in the comment section below and let me know what video(s) you would like to see.

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