Free Will (not the Rush song)

4 Commentsby   |  03.21.11  |  Pre-Renaissance (Part I)

Ok, I know the song does not really have a lot to do with William James and his view of free will, I just thought it would be a nice intro. The idea of free will has always been interesting to me, especially as a Christian because of the whole choices or the will of God thing that pops up so often. I like how obvious it seems when James says that because you can choose to believe in free will then it is true. I feel like having free will is something that God has blessed us with. I do not think God’s goal in making us was to have us run down the path he set out for us with no decisions involved. We were given a brain and the ability to make decisions, so it is obvious we are supposed to use it for something, right?


  1. Tiffani Johnson
    10:30 pm, 03.21.11

    It was a nice intro. I agree with you completely. What would be the point of making all of our decisions for us? If God had not given us free will then why do we come to forks in the road through out our lives.

  2. Jodi Bell
    11:07 pm, 03.21.11

    haha Anna you kill me! Its something I think a lot about as well. The question that if God knows every decision we make and step we take how is our destiny not predetermined. I think its kind of like being a parent. Sometimes you know your kid is going to make a bad choice and you let them anyways so they can learn from the consequences themselves.

  3. Derek Mar
    11:34 pm, 03.21.11

    Couldn’t have said it better myself. Why give us all the tools and abilities to make choices if we weren’t supossed to use them? The decisions we make throughout our lives allow us to learn and to grow into who we are.

  4. Adrienne Lackey
    3:42 pm, 05.02.11

    The discussion of free will vs. predestination is always an interesting one. As humans, we possess free will, but this does not mean that there is not a plan for our lives. I think the difference between the people who are on track with Gods’ plan for their lives lies in their ability to listen. You make your own decisions, but there is always a divine path for you out there, whether you choose to follow it or not.

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