
2 Commentsby   |  04.27.12  |  Media

Last class, Shawn sparked an interesting conversation, something I’ve been interested in for a while — the use of objects to represent pixels, then, render an image. In his case, coins, pennies precisely. Below are some cool examples of how much one can “destroy” an image, eliminating the details, and yet roughly represented, it is clear what that depicts.

Music video done with dice.


  1. Julie Neill
    11:45 am, 04.30.12

    reminds me of this white stripes video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q27BfBkRHbs

  2. Nil Santana
    11:49 am, 04.30.12

    You’re right. I had seeing that one as well. Both are very interesting in the sense that they deal with our perceptions, and how low/simplified representations can be.

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