Archive for ‘Free Speech’

Buggy bumpers and free speech

by   |  10.12.09  |  Free Speech

Religious freedom vs. the law | | The Courier-Journal. More »

Image of ultra-thin Ralph Lauren model sparks outrage

by   |  10.08.09  |  Free Speech

Image of ultra-thin Ralph Lauren model sparks outrage on Shine. More »

Supreme Court Session Begins with First Amend Questions

by   |  10.08.09  |  Free Speech, Supreme Court

NewsHour Extra: Constitutional Questions Raised in New Supreme Court Session | October 7, 2009 | PBS. More »

Supreme Court refuses Confederate flag T-shirt case

by   |  10.05.09  |  Free Speech, student speech, symbolic speech

Supreme Court refuses Confederate flag T-shirt case More »

Court refuses to take up case involving ‘Choose Life’ license plates

by   |  10.05.09  |  Free Speech

Court refuses to take up case involving ‘Choose Life’ license plates – More »

‘Obama Nation’ Billboard Draws Attention

by   |  10.02.09  |  Commercial Speech, Free Speech, political speech

Obama Nation Billboard Draws Attention – Kansas City News Story – KCTV Kansas City. More »

Tinker plaintiff urges students to exercise free speech

by   |  09.25.09  |  Free Speech, student speech

As we discussed Mary Joe Tinker this week, she was speaking to students at Harvard Law School. Probably one of the more palatable heroes of free speech More »

Austin chief considers acting against Web postings

by   |  09.22.09  |  Censorship and Prior Restraint, Current Events, Free Speech, Libel, Newsgathering

Austin chief considers acting against Web postings | AP Texas News | – Houston Chronicle. More »

Internet expression conflicts with long-held rights

by   |  09.21.09  |  Free Speech, Internet speech

This story is by Mary Flood, a friend of mine who reports for the Houston Chronicle and has taught Communication Law at the University of Houston. I taught her class a couple of times, which was my introduction to college teaching. More »

American Indians look to high court

by   |  09.15.09  |  Copyright and Trademark, Current Events, Free Speech


A group of American Indians are going after the Washington Redskins — but they’re using trademark law to do it. More »