Archive for ‘Censorship and Prior Restraint’

Pa. State Police To Stop Citing People For Using Profanity

by   |  01.05.11  |  profanity

Pa. State Police To Stop Citing People For Using Profanity More »

WikiLeaks founder could be charged under Espionage Act

by   |  11.30.10  |  Censorship and Prior Restraint

WikiLeaks founder could be charged under Espionage Act. More »

Nebraska high court backs sender of angry e-mails

by   |  09.25.10  |  Censorship and Prior Restraint

Angry, profanity-laced e-mails sent to a professor by a college student are protected by the First Amendment, the Nebraska Supreme Court said in a ruling issued Friday. More »

Justice Breyer Clarifies Earlier Remarks, Suggests Koran-Burning Is Constitutionally Protected After All

by   |  09.17.10  |  Free Speech, Supreme Court, symbolic speech

The Volokh Conspiracy » Justice Breyer Clarifies Earlier Remarks, Suggests Koran-Burning Is Constitutionally Protected After All. More »

by   |  09.10.10  |  Free Speech, protest

Appeals court rules Stolen Valor Act unconstitutional

by   |  09.09.10  |  Censorship and Prior Restraint

Appeals court rules Stolen Valor Act unconstitutional More »

Judge: State ban on protests at military funerals unconstitutional

by   |  08.16.10  |  protest

Judge: State ban on protests at military funerals unconstitutional More »

State Supreme Court rules against student in free-speech case

by   |  05.27.10  |  student speech

This reporter leaves out an important reference to Bethel v. Fraser, which would likely limit the First Amendment protection of this student’s speech. However, the Arkansas Supreme Court would have been within its rights to hold that the Arkansas free speech provisions extended beyond the First Amendment to cover this student’s actions. More »

Community colege censors story by Wyoming Newspaper

by   |  05.24.10  |  prior restraint

LCCC censors story by WTE More »

American flag shirts ignite firestorm

by   |  05.07.10  |  student speech

American flag shirts ignite firestorm. More »