Archive for ‘Censorship and Prior Restraint’

Google apologizes for results of Michelle Obama image search

by   |  11.25.09  |  Free Speech, Internet speech

Google apologizes for results of Michelle Obama image search More »

Bigger U.S. Role in Broadband Is Likely

by   |  11.19.09  |  FCC, Free Speech, Internet speech

Bigger U.S. Role in Broadband Is Likely More »

Court ends Las Vegas students lawsuit over censorship

by   |  11.18.09  |  Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause, Free Speech, student speech

This is disappointing, if only because it was a good opportunity for the court to better explain Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause boundaries, which are obviously misunderstood. More »

Pittsburgh abortion clinic buffer law struck down

by   |  11.03.09  |  protest

Pittsburgh abortion clinic buffer law struck down. More »

Supreme Court refuses Confederate flag T-shirt case

by   |  10.05.09  |  Free Speech, student speech, symbolic speech

Supreme Court refuses Confederate flag T-shirt case More »

‘Obama Nation’ Billboard Draws Attention

by   |  10.02.09  |  Commercial Speech, Free Speech, political speech

Obama Nation Billboard Draws Attention – Kansas City News Story – KCTV Kansas City. More »

“SNL” Newbie Drops the F-Bomb On Air

by   |  09.28.09  |  FCC, profanity

“SNL” Newbie Drops the F-Bomb On Air More »

Court: Funeral protest was protected free speech

by   |  09.25.09  |  protest

Court: Westboro protest at local Marine’s funeral was protected free speech More »

Tinker plaintiff urges students to exercise free speech

by   |  09.25.09  |  Free Speech, student speech

As we discussed Mary Joe Tinker this week, she was speaking to students at Harvard Law School. Probably one of the more palatable heroes of free speech More »

Austin chief considers acting against Web postings

by   |  09.22.09  |  Censorship and Prior Restraint, Current Events, Free Speech, Libel, Newsgathering

Austin chief considers acting against Web postings | AP Texas News | – Houston Chronicle. More »