Archive for ‘Censorship and Prior Restraint’

Internet expression conflicts with long-held rights

by   |  09.21.09  |  Free Speech, Internet speech

This story is by Mary Flood, a friend of mine who reports for the Houston Chronicle and has taught Communication Law at the University of Houston. I taught her class a couple of times, which was my introduction to college teaching. More »

Photoshopping as False Advertising?

by   |  09.20.09  |  British law, Censorship and Prior Restraint, Commercial Speech

Would You Support the Regulation of Photoshopping? More »

Were T-shirts worn by Palmerton Area students free speech?

by   |  09.20.09  |  student speech

Were T-shirts worn by Palmerton Area students free speech? — More »

Are animal torture videos free speech?

by   |  09.20.09  |  Censorship and Prior Restraint, First Amendment, Supreme Court, Violence

Are animal torture videos free speech? — More »

Do You Have the Right to Flip Off a Cop?

by   |  09.15.09  |  Censorship and Prior Restraint

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From Comm Law alum Tanner Knauth: This fits with our discussion today of the Chaplinsky case and refers to Cohen v. California, which we’ll talk about Thursday. More »

Online Critic Of Judge Fined

by   |  09.14.09  |  Censorship and Prior Restraint, Current Events

MediaPost Publications Online Critic Of Judge Fined 09/14/2009. More »

Court to re-hear arguments in Clinton movie case

by   |  09.03.09  |  Free Speech, political speech

The Supreme Court his hear arguments again on Thursday related to this case, Citizens United v. FEC. I believe the question is whether campaign finance reform is of such a compelling interest that free speech protections can be narrowed. More »

Debating campaign speech

by   |  08.18.09  |  Supreme Court, political speech

Debating campaign speech — More »

Student Speech

by   |  05.28.09  |  Supplemental Information, student speech


1. Students and teachers do not shed their First Amendment rights at the schoolhouse gate (Tinker v. Des Moines ICSD, 1968). Only a clear threat to a school’s abilility to orderly carry out its educational mission can be prohibited. More »

More on VSDA v. Schwarzenegger to SCOTUS

by   |  05.28.09  |  Current Events, Video Games, video game violence

From More »