Archive for ‘Censorship and Prior Restraint’

U.S. Investigating Ex-CIA Employee Named as Leak Source

by   |  06.11.13  |  criminal liability

U.S. Investigating Ex-CIA Employee Named as Leak Source More »

Student Told to Remove Gun T-Shirt

by   |  04.23.13  |  Free Speech, student speech


Student Told to Remove Gun T-Shirt More »

Man Wearing Novelty T-Shirt Arrested For Refusing To Leave South Carolina Park

by   |  04.23.13  |  profanity

Man Wearing Novelty T-Shirt Arrested For Refusing To Leave South Carolina Park. More »

D-Day for press freedom: MPs urged not to vote for law | The Sun |News|Politics

by   |  03.17.13  |  British law, Censorship and Prior Restraint

D-Day for press freedom: MPs urged not to vote for law | The Sun |News|Politics. More »

Jail time could await North Carolina students who go after teachers online | Fox News

by   |  12.05.12  |  student speech

Jail time could await North Carolina students who go after teachers online | Fox News. More »

by   |  09.28.12  |  Free Speech, political speech

M.T.A. Amends Rules After Pro-Israel Ads Draw Controversy

by   |  09.28.12  |  political speech

M.T.A. Amends Rules After Pro-Israel Ads Draw Controversy More »

District attorney: Threatening recall against San Bernardino councilman isnt crime

by   |  09.17.12  |  Censorship and Prior Restraint

District attorney: Threatening recall against San Bernardino councilman isnt crime More »

The Volokh Conspiracy » Why Punishing Blasphemous Speech That Triggers Murderous Reactions Would Likely Lead to More Deaths

by   |  09.16.12  |  Censorship and Prior Restraint

I usually seek to stick to straight news and the occasional editorial in the course blog, but this is a pretty strong advocacy piece by a legal scholar whose blog I read regarding a pretty significant current event. More »

Nine preachers arrested at Southern Decadence

by   |  09.03.12  |  Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause, political speech, protest

Is this constitutional? Probably a good exam question at some point. More »