Archive for ‘Privacy’

Lindsay Lohan sues over milkaholic ETrade ad

by   |  03.09.10  |  privacy: appropriation

[youtube lEXZ2hfD3bU]

Hat tip to Comm Law student Laura Acuff for the pointer to this story. As I told her, methinks the lady doth protest too much. Let’s see, her argument is that they are using her likeness — a little girl named Lindsay with a bad reputation — and defaming her. Sounds like bootstrapping to me. More »

In Italian Google Case, American and European Ideas of Privacy Collide

by   |  02.27.10  |  Privacy

In Italian Google Case, American and European Ideas of Privacy Collide More »

Student claims school spied on him via computer webcam

by   |  02.19.10  |  intrusion upon seclusion

Student claims school spied on him via computer webcam More »

Times Square Billboard of Obama Draws White House Ire

by   |  01.06.10  |  privacy: appropriation

Times Square Billboard of Obama Draws White House Ire. More »

British court blocks Tiger Woods photos

by   |  12.11.09  |  Censorship and Prior Restraint, Privacy

British court blocks Tiger Woods photos More »

Dutch royals win privacy case against AP

by   |  08.28.09  |  Privacy

Another interesting international communication law story. This highlights one of the biggest problems with communication law torts — particularly privacy: That of deciding which story has news value. More »

Palin E-mail Account Hacked

by   |  09.17.08  |  Privacy

Privacy and Criminal Law

by   |  08.16.08  |  Privacy More »

Pitt Peeved Over Paparazzi Pix

by   |  07.23.08  |  Copyright and Trademark, Privacy

There’s a whole lot going on in this letter, worthy for the 500th post to the Comm Law Blog. An attorney for Brad Pitt is threatening The Smoking Gun Web site with legal action if it publishes photos of Brad, Angelina Jolie and their new kids. More »

Bikini Reporter Sues over Video

by   |  07.08.08  |  Privacy

I still can’t figure out what her cause of action is. Intrusion? Emotional distress? False light? Would be a good test question. More »