Are bloggers journalists?

by   |  10.11.05  |  Current Events

For purposes of the shield law he’s promoting, Sen. Dick Durbin says “No.”
More »

Not-so-American Pie

by   |  10.10.05  |  Current Events

Find out why the Vogue editor was hit by a pie in Paris. It’s a good situation involving advertising law.

A little protection for anonymous posters

by   |  10.07.05  |  Current Events

From the Reporter’s Committee for Freedom of the Press More »

Al Gore on the Marketplace of Ideas

by   |  10.06.05  |  Current Events

Al Gore is concerned that the marketplace of ideas is not working. More »

It’s Harriet Miers

by   |  10.03.05  |  Current Events

The First Monday in October

by   |  10.02.05  |  Current Events

The first Monday in October is the first day of the Supreme Court term. Justices Stephen Breyer, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Anthony M. Kennedy joined Chief Justice Roberts, at today’s Red Mass at the Cathedral of St. Matthew in Washington. The mass is celebrated annually on the Sunday before the Supreme Court begins its term, and President Bush attended for the first time. More »

Judith Miller is out of jail

by   |  10.02.05  |  Current Events

The New York Times reporter spent 12 weeks in jail for refusing to testify in the leak of CIA agent Valerie Plame’s identity. More »

Yes, copyright violations can be criminal as well as civil

by   |  09.29.05  |  Current Events

From the Associated Press: More »

Roberts has been confirmed

by   |  09.29.05  |  Current Events

More on Libel and Headlines

by   |  09.28.05  |  Current Events

A California court has ruled inaccuracies in a deck head doesn’t make something defamatory. However, it’s often the headline that gets newspapers in trouble. And often it’s a single word that leads to a lawsuit. A paper I worked for once paid thousands of dollars over the word absconded. More »