HeadsUp 1.1 Released

New Features and Bug Fixes

I’m pleased to announce the release of HeadsUp 1.1, which includes several new features and several key bug fixes. This version builds on 1.0 which was used by a pilot group of teachers through the fall semester.

Bug fixes center around scalability and reliability while features build on the experience of the pilot testers with the key feature being the addition of HTML in description fields. While it’s not necessary at all to use HTML, it makes HeadsUp much more flexible and allows a richer set of topics, prompts and roles.


  • HTML accepted in all description fields. So, you can now make a prompt an image, link out to another web site, or even embed a YouTube video.
  • Carriage returns and white space respected in description fields. Basically, text goes in the way you type it, blank lines or multiple spaces.
  • Customizable roles. You can now add any new role you like with custom instructions. Put an HTML link into the role instructions and you can have students send their reports to a blog or Google form.

Examples of these new features are given in the tools page.

Please give this new version a try and let me know of any bugs you find or features that would enhance your small-group discussions.

357 thoughts on “HeadsUp 1.1 Released

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  2. The note discusses the challenge of estimating individual causal effects (() and ()) from RCTs due to potential contamination by selection bias and placebo effects. How do these limitations affect the reliability of treatment effect estimates derived solely from RCTs, and how can observational data help address these limitations?

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