ACU-Internships Info & Support

Students Start Here
Faculty/Staff Start Here
Employers Start Here + My Info
“Instead of feeling paralyzed by the fear of getting it wrong… feel energized by the freedom that comes from having multiple ways to get it right.”
-Dr. Bryan Dik, Redeeming Work

ACU’s Center for Careers and Experiential Learning is here to help you find an internship that is just right for you!
Check out these employers/recruiters who have reached out to ACU and to learn about networks that also posting openings! You can also schedule an appointment with Anne Hocking, the Director of Internships and Vocational Formation (Note: she’s on maternity leave Dec 2024-March 2025).
Email for an appointment
Are you an Employer Looking to Offer an Internship?

ACU Center for Careers & Experiential Learning
ACU Box 28261
Abilene, TX 79699