BMIS 458: Vocational Formation & Work
Next Class Takes Place Summer 2025

Want to take a course alongside your internship? Or just want to learn more about Vocational Formation in the workplace?
BMIS 458 requires students to work in an internship setting related to their field of interest for a minimum of 120 hours while they complete coursework on the theology of work and vocational formation. The fieldwork and course must be completed simultaneously and students must have their placement approved by the professor before the class start date. There will be 3 required face-to-face meetings at the start of the course (5/12-14/25) and another at the end (8/1/25). The rest of the coursework will be completed online through Canvas to accommodate internship locations and timelines.
Prerequisites: BIBL 101, 102 (or 103) and BIBL 211: sophomore standing. Priority given to students who need a credit-bearing course for internship eligibility. F & J international students need to be authorized for work from OSIVS before the first day of class and employment. Students cannot take this course if they are enrolled in another summer course for which this internship is a requirement.”
*NOTE: The psychology department has agreed that this course could sub in as a Psyc-Selection. So even if you have met your Adv. Bible requirements, if you have a Psyc-elective available, it could meet that need.*
Class Specifications for BMIS 458
Important Considerations for the Course:
1. Do you or can you get an internship over the summer that relates to your field of interest and will allow you to utilize at least 120 hours of field work? And will your supervisor sign off on providing reviews and regular mentorship in collaboration with course assignments and expectations?
2. Can you be in Abilene for our in-person classes on 5/12-14/25 and 8/1/25?
3. Have you ensured this course does not interfere with any department requirements for internship fulfillments?
4. Are you eligible for an advanced Bible course (so you’ve taken BIBL 101, 102 and 211)?

ACU Center for Careers & Experiential Learning
ACU Box 28261
Abilene, TX 79699