Federal Work Study

ACU and Federal Work Study Opportunities
ACU utilizes the Federal Work Study (FWS) initiative, which allows eligible students to work as an ACU employee but for a nonprofit organization under their management and supervision. With this partnership, ACU can use FWS funds to pay 75% of the student’s hourly rate, enabling the nonprofit to only need to cover 25% of the student’s wages.
FWS funds are good for part-time work and internships in fall, spring and summer semesters!
If you’re interested in utilizing FWS partners and funds, follow these steps:
Step 2 - Finding a Partner
Once you’ve received confirmation of your eligibility, come back to this webpage to learn about the employers who are partnered with ACU (so far). Check out their individual websites, Handshake, or reach out to the organization (this should only be done after checking site & Handshake) to learn about job openings.
Step 3 - Apply!
Apply to your choice of FWS partners, letting them know you are interested in work and FWS eligible.
IMPORTANT: Being eligible for FWS does not guarantee you a job. Employers are within their full right to screen, interview, and deny or hire you for employment regardless of your FWS eligibility.
Step 4 - If Offered a Job
If you are offered a job (congratulations!!) have the employer email acuworkstudy@acu.edu with your hire date and your hourly rate of pay so we can set you up in ACU’s system.
Step 5 - Finalizing
The ACU Work Study Team will reach out to you about completing the hiring paperwork with ACU HR and, once complete, you can get to work!
NOTE: You will need to complete timesheets through ACU HR every two weeks to get paid, which ACU will send on to your nonprofit supervisors for approval.
Current FWS ACU Partners
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Website link: Here
Contact: tcobb@bbbstx.org
Boys and Girls Club
Website link: Here
Contact: gen.abgc@gmail.com
Alliance for Women and Children
Website link: Here
Contact: laquiera@afwconline.org
ACU is very open to partnering with additional nonprofits. Reach out to acuworkstudy@acu.edu with questions or check out this formal agreement for more details.
What is the rate of pay?
This is dependent on the NPO’s budget allowance. FWS requires minimum wage and ACU highly encourages at least $10/hour (so $7.5 from FWS/ACU and $2.5 from the NPO) and certainly welcomes higher rates of pay, especially for certain majors/positions.
How Does The Pay Process Work?
Students will be hired by ACU and ACU will manage their timesheets and all payments. Supervisors will be sent the timesheets every two weeks to approve/confirm and then the NPO will receive an invoice at the end of each fiscal year (ACU’s is June-May) to pay back their 25% of the wages paid out.
Is There a Cap to the Number of Hours a Student Can Work?
FWS requires students to be part-time and for the work to be manageable alongside study requirements. Students cannot miss class time to work a job for which they are receiving FWS funds.
NOTE: Since FWS funds are based on FASFA eligibility, there may be a cap for some students on how many hours they can work in a year since their hours and rate may exceed their eligibility. In this case, employment can certainly continue, but the NPO will need to pay 100% of the students hourly wage once the FWS funds are fully utilized.
What NPOs are Eligible to be Employers?
NPOs need to be federally recognized with a Tax ID Number.
For limitations, I will direct you to the FWS Handbook, pg 7.

ACU Center for Careers & Experiential Learning
ACU Box 28261
Abilene, TX 79699