Problem 7 – Keep Your Distance

We have all seen the following graphic for how people should physically distance from one another during the COVID pandemic.A savvy math student will notice that this figure cannot possibly be correct.  If everyone is standing in the same plane, then it is not possible for all four people to be exactly six feet apart (that’s just not how squares work right!)

The question you have to answer though is, if all four people are standing on the surface of a sphere is this possible.  In other words can you find a sphere of some radius where all 4 people would be exactly six feet apart?  To receive full credit for this problem your solution must explain why this is or isn’t possible and give the radius of the sphere if you claim it is possible.

Solutions are due by 5:00 PM the following Thursday, Nov 11.  Please send all solutions to

There were no solutions to this problem.  The answer is included below.