DSGN 402 Syllabus

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Spring 2017 / TR 8:00 – 10:50 pm / DM 201 & 207
Prerequisite: DSGN 401 – Advanced Interior Design
Instructor: Brandon Young / brandon.young@acu.edu / DM 326

ACU and Department of Art & Design Mission Statements

Course Audience

This course is intended for upper-level design students interested in learning about the creative concepts, processes and methods of designing buildings and spaces with an emphasis on interior construction and detailing.

Course Description

Students demonstrate comprehensive understanding of interior design, responding to contemporary issues such as socio-economic, cultural and environmental factors. Team-based project for a residential or commercial typology. Emphasis on research, programming, regulatory criteria, contract documents and coordination with other disciplines.

Required Textbooks

Recommended Textbooks

Course Topics

  1. Construction standards for a wide range of interior components and assemblies
  2. Design and development of interior details
  3. Sustainable design principles related to interior construction and detailing.
  4. Program development
  5. Building code analysis and application
  6. Application of anthropometric and ergonomic data while solving spatial relationships
  7. Implementation of Universal Design strategies in project solutions
  8. Design team development and collaboration
  9. Resolution of design problems from schematic though design development phases
  10. Design, document and report custom interior elements (for example: case goods, floor patterning, partition assemblies).
  11. Discern the use of materials and finishes based on project criteria.
  12. Production of graphic, oral and written communication.
  13. Utilization of both traditional and digital tools during design and documentation.

Class Format

This course is a design studio, and as such, functions as the primary vehicle for education in design. Therefore, it demands a great amount of preparation in research, study and on the drawing board. The studio format is designed to assist students in developing conceptual, technical and communication skills. In order to develop these skills, time in this class will be dedicated to the following activities:

  1. Lectures: Information regarding interior construction and detailing will be covered through lectures during most class meetings the first 11-12 weeks of the semester. Quizzes will be assigned (both in-class and take-home) to help assess student knowledge of course content.
  2. Sketching Exercises: These exercises are intended to assist students in the application of interior construction and detailing principles. Several exercises will be completed during class and the remainder outside of class meetings as homework.
  3. Group Project: There is one design project in this course that varies from year to year. Student teams will be formed to complete the project from schematic through design development with the final deliverable being a simplified set of construction drawings. I believe the design process is just as important as the final product, so an emphasis is placed on the development of ideas and concepts into “final” proposals. There are many tools available to assist in the design process, and students are expected to produce drawings and models using a combination of media during the semester.
  4. Critiques: Critiques will take several forms including one-on-one w/the instructor, pin-ups w/classmates and reviews w/outside critics and other instructors. In addition, regular meetings with each design team will be scheduled to help monitor the project’s progress. Active participation in critiques, as well as during daily studio work, is expected of each student to encourage a collaborative and communal learning environment.
  5. Class Discussions: The studio is meant to be a collaborative environment. As such, I strongly encourage every student to be aware of the work their classmates/other teams are involved in and to learn from one another throughout the course of the semester. Everyone has something different, and valuable, to bring to the table.

Every student is expected to keep a sketchbook that documents information, ideas and inspiration gained throughout the semester. Design process work is evaluated and factors into each project grade. At the conclusion of the semester, copies of all design process work will be assembled into a “Design Process Book” that is submitted for a final grade. In addition, drawing, crafting of models, verbal and visual communication are all part of the studio effort.

Christian Perspective in Course

We are created in the image of God, and as such we are all co-creators with God. One of our most fundamental needs is that of shelter, and the act of building is primal. Adam and Eve took shelter in the garden, and mankind has long since used natural features as shelter (cave and forest). Much of human activity requires some type of shelter from the sun, wind, rain and/or snow. Since we must build, by necessity or desire, it is important to consider the way in which we build and how we use the materials available to us.

I believe Wendell Berry, farmer, writer, scholar and theologian, sums it up best:

“If we understand that no artist – no maker – can work except by reworking the works of Creation, then we see that by our work we reveal what we think of the works of God. How we take our lives from this world, how we work, what work we do, how well we use the materials we use, and what we do with them after we have used them – all of these are questions of the highest and gravest religious significance. In answering them, we practice, or do not practice, our religion.” – Wendell Berry

Course Goals

At the conclusion of the course, students enrolled in DSGN 402: Design, Construction & Details for Interiors will be able to effectively solve design problems conceptually and technically, from organizing concept down to small-scale details. Each student will demonstrate understanding and application of construction principles through an iterative design process using both traditional and digital media, while gaining valuable experience collaborating with peers on a group design project.

Competencies and Measurement

Follow this link for course competencies and measurement.


Students will be given a recorded grade for each assignment. All assignments must be completed to pass the course. Students are encouraged to discuss earned grades with the professor for further feedback.

Assignment Grade Weights:

  • 65% – Exercises & Quizzes
  • 30% – Design Project (team-based)
  •    5% – Attendance Grade

Grading Scale, Descriptions and Deadline Information

Follow this link for grading information.

Policies and Miscellaneous

Supplies and Materials

The work completed in this course will utilize both traditional and digital media. Students are expected to be prepared for all studio activities, which requires having the necessary tools to execute the work. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Good quality sketching pencils (I like General’s Draughting w/maroon shaft)
  • Good quality sketching/drafting pens (Pilot Fineliner, Razor Point, and Pentel SignPens are my go to)
  • Various colors of markers and highlighters
  • Architect’s and Engineer’s scale
  • Adjustable Triangle
  • Trace Paper (12” or 14” roll will meet most needs)
  • 8.5” x 11” or 9” x 12” sketchbook
  • 8 1/2″ x 11″ graph paper (for sketching details)
  • Tape measure (25’ is a good size)
  • Digital camera (probably your phone)
  • Flash drive or external hard drive

PLEASE NOTE: While every effort is made to ensure the information and schedule above is accurate and complete, from time to time there are errors and/or adjustments are needed as the semester progresses. Information in this course syllabus is subject to change at any time during the semester. All changes will be announced in class.

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