
0 Commentsby   |  03.25.11  |  Reflection (P3)

Once again, I see both progress and.. non-progress (?) being made in my work. Getting into this after spring break was very difficult and while I am proud of the final outcome, I know it could’ve been better had I spent time on it over the break. Technically I think I need to be better at being thorough in my work. I forgot a few minor things for the overall layout and it was things that every site needs– no bueno for me. As you mentioned, I need to work on my type treatment; a weakness I do recognize and though I’ve made progress, every project presents different challenges.

Conceptually I think I am stuck in the box. Maybe its because it’s mid-point in the semester, or maybe because its my 8th straight semester doing nonstop projects, but I am in full get-it-done mode without getting adventurous in my design work. While this is not good, I’m extremely happy it’s Friday and maybe next week will be better.

Sketching it still my biggest weakness. I tend to feel pressure to start designing right away; maybe its the nature of the lab, but if I am sitting in the lab sketching then I feel like I’m wasting time.

As I’ve said before, I see definite improvement from the beginning of the semester and it’s getting better and better. If I could feel rested and legitimately inspired, I think I could do great things in this class.

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