Evolutionary psychology/siiiike-ology

3 Commentsby   |  03.21.11  |  Beginning of Scientific Psychology (Part III)

Evolutionary psychology examines many characteristics of homosapiens, including memory, language, reproductive tendencies, etc. and seeks to identify which traits are evolved from natural selection.

I am sorry, but I really cannot bring myself to agree with evolutionary psychology. It is very interesting to me and I respect the research and the theories that have come about, but I simply cannot entertain the idea of agreeing with it. There are many great things that have been discovered that can be stepping stones for the future of science and psychology, and I hope that one day the creation theory and these findings can better go hand in hand.

Though not always directly, I think that it minimalizes the essence of our existence and inhibits humans from being differentiated from animals. Don’t get me wrong, I know that evolutionary psychology isn’t only about our similarities with animals.

I did find this ridiculous & hilarious video though.. Anna, I’m hoping there’s no relation to the Baba Brinkman.

Short-Term Mating Dance

I think this video is a wonderful representation of how we can dumb ourselves down to act like animals. Sure, we can look at life as a way to find pleasure and… mate like animals do, because that is their only purpose. But my goodness we are robbing our species of so much if we take away the fact that our Lord made us to worship him through that act and that there is an emotional connection made there. It is not only about bettering our species.


  1. Alison
    11:33 pm, 03.21.11

    I agree; it’s hard to agree with a concept that is so reductionistic. Evolutionary psychology takes all of the choices that we agonize over and explains them away with instinctual and animalistic explanations. There may be some habits and instincts that are more basic, but there are also so many complex things we say and do that can’t possibly be due to those basic things. I also find it hard to find a place for altruism in this philosophy; plus, how do Jesus’ teachings of loving one’s enemy and turning the other cheek fit into evolutionary psychology? Those responses certainly are not helpful in terms of survival or passing on genetics. Yes, acting like that is rather counterintuitive, but the fact that he calls us to do so anyway–and that many succeed–is indicative of bigger things going on than survival of the fittest.

  2. Candice Watson
    11:34 pm, 03.21.11

    I can’t believe I watched that entire video. Yes, hilarious. And I definitely agree that the idea of mating just to better our species and ensure its survival seems so lacking and robs us of anything deeper than superficial and short-term pleasure.

  3. Adrienne Lackey
    3:38 pm, 05.02.11

    I agree with you on this bradye, I have never been an avid supporter of evolutionary psychology. I simply refuse to think that the individuals that habitate this earth are a mere result of years and years of evolutiion. If that were the case we would all be the same and boring. Every person in this world is a unique, spectactular indvidual because our God is a unique, spectactular individual. Not becasue different environments changed our course of evoultion.

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