Religion: Pre-determined, or Personal Decision?

8 Commentsby   |  03.21.11  |  Beginning of Scientific Psychology (Part III)

Ever since our class discussion, the idea of religion as a pre determined concept has been rolling around in my brain. The thought fits in the with the biblical description of Israel as Gods’ chosen people, but I think you also have to keep in mind that much of that discussion took place in the old testament.  And while the the old testament still holds authority, when Jesus came he changed a lot of the age old standards.  In Matthew, Jesus says “The only way to the Father is through me, and whosoever accepts me, will also be accepted into the kingdom.”  With this being said, we have to keep in mind that Christianity has been transformed from a race to a deliberate decision.  People no longer have to be a part of “Israel, the chosen race” to be a Christian.  All they have to do is accept Christ into their heart, and follow His teachings to the best of their ability.  It is not about who you are or where you come from, but more about how you live your live, and most importantly, how you treat the people you come into contact with.  It irks me to death when people come in saying, “oh you have to do this, and do that. or dont do this, its not what good kids do”, and completely ignore the relational side of it. I believe it is all about how you treat people.  And yes, a part of it is about your actions lining up with your words, but I think it is MORE about the relationships you had with people , and how many lives you made a difference in.  And while the Bible says that there is a book called the book of life, and if your name is written in it, then you are going to heaven, and while that is traditionally considered a pre-determined concept, I believe that the book is always changing. Addtions are always being made.  No one can make you, or keep you from accepting Christ into your life.  Thus Christianity has evolved from a pre-determined concept, to a completely personal decision.


  1. Katelyn Marlow
    8:59 pm, 03.21.11

    I really agree with your point of view here. Many people see Christianity is this set of rules that you have to follow in order to get into Heaven, but at the same time no one can really seem to even agree with what those rules are. If instead we just focused more on creating a relationship with Christ and on surrounding ourselves with relationships that imitate that same kind of relationship I almost feel as if we would be better off. After all, the greatest commandment is love. Accepting Christianity is a choice. Living a life that echoes that of Christ’s is also a choice.

  2. McKenzie Goad
    9:07 pm, 03.21.11

    I really like what you said about the transition of Christianity as a pre-determined idea for God’s chosen people transitioning to the idea of Christianity being a deliberate choice (free will) that anyone can become a christian if they choose to accept Christ into their hearts. This was a gift granted to us through Jesus dying on the cross, and even the thief who hung next to Christ was able to accept God into his heart before he died. I think your emphasis of a faith being about relationships with other people is so important and I believe that this aspect of faith is only encouraged by the belief in free will. God gave us the choice to follow Him or to go our own ways, key word being choice. If we choose Him, we will be granted eternal life.

  3. Brady Campbell
    9:19 pm, 03.21.11

    I definitely think the strength of genetic cause of religion is off.
    I don’t think it makes sense to place reason, faith, and preference out of reach of an individual’s choice. I think choice is the driving force of the world, and it just wouldn’t stand to reason that choice isn’t responsible for an outcome.

    It truly disturbs me to think that we don’t have control of our actions. It doesn’t worry me, because I don’t think it is any more plausible than a laughable theory, but it certainly bothers me that it could be taken so seriously.
    I still need to study more of the old testament in depth.

  4. Myriah Miller
    9:40 pm, 03.21.11

    I would agree that we have choice and free will when it comes to religion, and I think most people would agree on that. I do think, however, that there are subconscious factors that influence our approach to faith and religious framework. We have control over our actions, but we may not always understand everything that contributes to our actions.

  5. Tiffani Johnson
    10:13 pm, 03.21.11

    I have been thinking a lot about this as well. I agree with you in about every way. When we read to Old Testament it does seem like it is pre-destination and a switch to free will in the New Testament. I guess that’s the beauty of Christ coming.

  6. Bradye McQueen
    10:13 pm, 03.21.11

    This is well written! I concur with your thoughts and the way both of these ideas balance out. I like to think that I am neither calvinist nor armenian, but both.. even though that seems impossible. I love that we are now a part of God’s chosen people.. Israel is such a huge part of the bible and still today is living out the prophecies spoken over it. It’s crazy to hear the war history of Israel and know that somehow, it still exists. God is still protecting it to this day. But it is so awesome that his grace is extended to all who believe in him, and that he gives us the power to decide.

  7. Brittany Rexroat
    10:13 pm, 03.21.11

    Myriah I agree with you each of us have control over what we believe and what we do not believe. We also have free reign to choose whatever religion, whatever tshirt we might wanna wear this day or that day.

  8. John Day IV
    11:35 pm, 03.21.11

    I am always bothered by this whole predetermined religion in one since it is good because it avoids the issue of people who never knew God or for that matter heard of him being condemned. Predetermined religion would say they were screwed anyway we should do the best we can to save them. As for choice religion we have to face that problem why in the world are would someone who never knew of God be condemned for something that is seemingly out of their control.

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