Twins and religion…

1 Commentby   |  03.21.11  |  Beginning of Scientific Psychology (Part III)

So, the twin studies really interested me, partially because my dad is a twin and he's shared some really interesting things with me, but a lot of it was the types of study they've done. The fact that they choose to study something like religion and spirituality is a real comment on how innately that is a part of our lives. It is a core part of who we are and what we choose to believe/no believe, do/not do in that area means a lot to who we are as humans. I also think it is ridiculous that people think they can measure spirituality by someone's church attendance or religious affiliation. I think that we are really way to caught up in trying to find proof for everything. Why can we never settle for knowing that we will never know everything and that faith can only be faith without proof, and without and explanation. I believe that God moves in mysterious ways and that even twins with the same genetics could end up with different spiritual beliefs and levels of faith and understanding while living and breathing in the same environment their entire lives. God made us all individuals, and whether we can grasp that we can't see everything in DNA or not, it's true. Some, and even most things are beyond our comprehension. That's why we are not God.   

God Bless,
Lindsey Fleming
Assistant Director, Sikes Hall

ACU Box 27212
xo liv~luv~laf xo

1 Comment

  1. Adrienne Lackey
    3:32 pm, 05.02.11

    I think you have stumbled onto a very interesting thought here, Lindsey. I think people have problems with not being able to know everything because that makes us vulnerable. If we don’t know everything, we are not in control. We then become vulnerable becasue we have to submit to someone (or in some cases, thing) who is. The discrepancy lies in the fact that some people attriubte that control to money, while others to false gods, while still others to our God. Everyone is always trying to get ahead of everyone else. So wars begin because people want to be the followers of the all knowing being. Vulnerability is a scary thing, and most people will do anything to avoid it.

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