Sarah Eaton's Comment Archive

  1. After reading this journal about Printmaking and Storytelling my eyes were opened to a new realm of printmaking and ideas. I’ve never really put much thought into the duality of storytelling through printmaking but after this article it makes sense. To be able to look at an image that was made through woodcutting or etchings and to be able to create a story through those images seems almost rudimentary. I find myself asking why I had never put two and two together prior to this. These artists took something basic and used those techniques to go to the next level, to create a depth to their art and give it meaning. It’s ingenious how they used their love for art to be do three different things: Express themselves through their art, provide complex opinions on social happenings, and allow others to create stories as well. Especially in the topic of Eichenberg’s Saint Francis, it was beautiful the way he combined woodcutting with his knowledge from previous works to express not only a strong image but an even stronger philosophy depicted through the image. He truly adapted this form of art and made it work for him in the best way possible.

  2. I don’t think that printmaking is dead.
    I do believe that less people use printmaking as a sole focus in their art or studies, but it is there in terms of fundamentals. In our world today being so advanced and high tech, people needed a faster way to get the same or similar results and they created that with computer editing programs. However, with that being said I think that printmaking is still widely used and practiced for many reasons. In printmaking there is still a personal, intimate element in products being made and created. It also allows for both precise and detailed creations, as well as loose, stylistic possibilities, and a wide variety of outcomes. Computers and technology are great and all, but I think in our generation its also very important to not lose touch with humanity and our foundations of art, design, and technique.