Brandy Rains's Comment Archive

  1. Annie Leibovitz also has the same fairytale like quality in some of her images as Eugenio Recuenco. I think I like the more neutral colors used in Recuenco’s work rather than these bold colors used by Leibovitz. It makes it more believable to me to have natural colors in an unnatural setting because it isn’t an overload of false information…if that makes any sense? I l do ove the way the characters are represented in Leibovitz’s work. They look almost like porcelain, and I think it makes the shot more beautiful.

  2. I really like Eugenio Recuenco’s work. It looks like frames from a fairy tale movie-especially the last one in this series. It looks like it could be from Snow White or The Chronicles of Narnia. What I also like about him is that all of his pictures look different. They have the same style, but each one invokes a different kind of emotion and has a different appeal than the previous.

  3. Brandy Rains on Camera Obscura by Morell
    9:49 pm, 05.19.12

    I think it’s interesting that Morell felt like looking at the world through a pinhole was easy. It’s almost like that was an obvious answer for a way to look at the world. I think most of the time we feel overwhelmed with how much there is of the world to see. For example, if we travel to a new place, we feel like there is just so much content that we want to look at, and it’s overwhelming. But Morell came up with a simple solution-a pinhole. I would never have thought that looking through a pinhole could bring equally beautiful images as the eye itself, and I appreciate Morell’s sobering idea.

  4. Ironically, the Great Depression is actually one of my favorite eras in history to study. I love the journalistic style of Evans. He really focuses on exposing the harshness and reality of the world rather than trying to sugar coat it. I love his social justice approach to photography, and I think that we need some photographers who are interested in doing that instead of taking beautiful portraits all the time.