Photographer of the Day: 04 – Evans

3 Commentsby   |  05.15.12  |  Photographer of the Day

Walker Evans

American born.

Although primarily a photographer of environments rather than people, Evans’ social concerns brought him face to face with the victims of the Depression. He tried to capture their stoicism in unflinchingly direct portraits. He believed with Baudelaire that the artist’s task was to face head-on the harshest realities and to report them to the larger world, as he said:

“The real thing that I am talking about has purity and a certain severity, rigor, or simplicity, directness, clarity, and it is without artistic pretension in a self-conscious sense of the world.”

From Shorpy website: one of the best places for archival photos. Great images and excellent sizes.

And eventually, from Photography Now: with its usual beautiful site/presentation. Make sure to browse his entire works displayed in this site. Walker Evans’s contributions to photographic documentation is spectacular!


  1. Nil Santana
    12:43 pm, 05.17.12

    Evans ability throughout various genres in photography makes him a keen observer, creating relationships from a variety of elements.

  2. Brandy Rains
    9:45 pm, 05.19.12

    Ironically, the Great Depression is actually one of my favorite eras in history to study. I love the journalistic style of Evans. He really focuses on exposing the harshness and reality of the world rather than trying to sugar coat it. I love his social justice approach to photography, and I think that we need some photographers who are interested in doing that instead of taking beautiful portraits all the time.

  3. Amy Beth Castleberry
    2:23 pm, 05.21.12

    I really love the way Evans captures the moment in time. That’s what photography is all about and he does a wonderful job of it. This isn’t the actual kind of photography that I would want to do, but I still enjoy this type of work.

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