Evan Marks's Archive

Student Work: P1 – Street Photography

0 Commentsby   |  05.21.12  |  Student Posts

by Evan Marks

Evan Marks's Comment Archive

  1. Wow. Dan Winters’ portfolio includes just about everything. He has a really cool photographic style. I love his technical photographs for aerospace and such. He makes the mundane and scientific seem surreal, it’s really cool. His video work reminds me a lot of independent film director Wes Anderson, which is a good thing.

  2. I think these images are really unique and interesting because they are designed to be viewed as a collection. The individual images are interesting enough, but hardly seem to stand out. But as a collective, the viewer sees the similarities between the hundreds of different buildings, and is able to fully appreciate Bernd and Hilla’s work.

    On an aside, they have a really interesting website that caters precisely to that idea, the viewer is able to flip through image after image, though the placement and size of the images stay stable.

  3. Evan Marks on Camera Obscura by Morell
    7:49 pm, 05.20.12

    I had no idea how cameras worked before learning about the camera obscura. The idea of it still boggles my mind, so to see these images by Morell still leaves me breathless. I love how the complex images of the outside world fill the entirety of the room, and do so from the tiniest of holes.

    I particularly like the images where Morell portrays the camera obscura phenomenon through something different, such as a glass of wine.