Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the Fall

2 Commentsby   |  10.18.13  |  Second Blog Post

I believe that Rousseau’s ideas can be used in any four of the categories but I am going to focus on the fall. Rousseau had a view on human nature, that all people are born basically good. He insisted that people are born good and can be made bad by society. He thought if he could find someone not contaminated by society, he would be a person driven by feelings but would not be selfish. If humans were able to develop free from society they would be happy, fulfilled, free, and socially minded. They would then do things that were best for themselves and others because they were simply free to do so.

I think this fits in with the Fall because the Fall is where bad and evil comes from. God had planned on a perfectly peaceful world, like what Rousseau was describing, but the fall is what took man away from that. People are born good and innocent to evil, until they are exposed to it. This exposure is a burden of the Fall of man.

This all implies that people do not become good or bad. We are all born good, as good as we will be, and depending on how we handle our experiences and society we may become bad.


  1. Zach Stromberg
    9:07 pm, 10.20.13

    Interesting point, and I definitely can relate to his ideas in a sense. Community is influential in any way you look at it. It can be detrimental and fake, full of fear and insecurity, trying to fit in and look better than everyone else. However, it can also be life giving and wonderful. Living in a community of people who walk in the Spirit and genuinely love each other has blessed me and grown me more than any other place in my life. What an uplifting blessing it is to live with people who seek Jesus while living in life-giving love (am I right Irene, Haley, Rebecca, Jenny, Laura Kate?!?!)

  2. Kasey Morgan
    10:26 pm, 10.21.13

    I can definitely see where you are coming from with him! I had a hard time putting him into a category as well. The Fall is where I can see him the most. His theories and ideas about how people are made bad by society is so interesting to me. I think that he really can speak into our culture today with the way social media and reality television portray human nature.

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