Posts Tagged ‘Lina deitman’

Raised Beds

0 Commentsby   |  03.02.11  |  Uncategorized

The brainstorming is finally becoming a reality on Rhoden farm as students and faculty are hard at work on the raised bed garden project. Teaching students about appropriate agriculture for a developing country is a primary motivation for development of the raised bed gardens where research, demonstration and lab experiences will occur.

The A&E department started discussing the raised bed project in the fall of 2009 and just started constructionlast year. Dr. Nicodemus, assistant professor of environmental science, brings his Plant Science students to work on the garden 5-6 times each semester. More »

World Missions Workshop

0 Commentsby   |  12.03.10  |  Uncategorized

Students from around the nation gathered October 14-17 for the 50th annual World Missions Workshop.  The event was held at Camp Tahkodah, Harding University’s global village, Harding University Tahkodah (H.U.T.), near Floral, Ark.  This program was designed to inspire and challenge students to use their talents and abilities in the kingdom of God and give practical application for a life of service as they learn under the theme “That They May Have Life” from John 10:10.

“The workshop was extremely helpful in providing hands-on experience as to what working in a third world country would be like as well as opening up a world of connections to other missionaries,” said Kathleen Henderson, junior environmental science major from Rockport, Texas. More »